
巨蟹女和水瓶男 巨蟹女和水瓶男结局

频道:婚姻生活 日期: 浏览:1335

上海是国际化的城市,它吸引了来自世界各的那么多的外国人来dào这里那有很多的漂亮的方如dōng方明珠,黄浦江等等在这些名胜中dōng方明珠是如此吸引人以至于来dào这的人没有不参观它就离去的它是如此高以至于人们必需坐;介绍上海的英语作文Shanghai,China#39s largest modern city,is situated in the middle of China#39s east coastal lineShanghai covers an area of over 6,340 squarekilos and has a population of over 15 million。

s Ostankino Tower 5401 meters, is one of Shanghai#39s landmarks外滩,位于上海市中心区的黄浦江畔,它是上海的风景线,是dào上海观光的游客必dào外滩又名中山dōng路,全长约15公里dōng临黄浦江,西面为;Shanghai,an international city,is located in the east of ChinaWith its worldfamous landmarks such as Jin Mao Building,the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financial centre金融中心,Shanghai has become。

was shanghai’s answer to wall street概意思就是指外滩是上海的标志之位于黄浦江的外滩展现了很多杰出的欧洲jiàn筑对于欧洲人来说,外滩就类似于华尔街对于外滩的介绍,我也zhǐ能精简dào这种程度了,希望对你有帮助。

介绍上海景点英语作文 介绍上海景点英语作文初一


1、Since the 2010 World Expo is around the corner, the Shanghai government is busy preparing for it and out city has taken on a new lookFirst and foremost, as we all know, many beautiful and creative pavi。

2、Shanghai has a long historyThere are many famous places of interest, such as the Bund, the the Oriental Perl TV Tower, Yu Garden, the People#39s Square and so onThe Bund is a very popular place。

3、Shanghai is located in east of China,next to Jiangsu ProvinceShanghai is very famous in China and even all over the worldIt is the biggest city in ChinaAnd it is the commercial center of China,too。


5、翻译上海是个国际城市,吸引了来自世界各的外国人There are many beautiful places such as the oriental pearl TV tower, Huangpu River and so on翻译有许多美丽的方,如dōng方明珠电视塔,黄浦江等Of these。

6、南京路,锦江乐园和dōng方明珠I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the sevenday holiday We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and。

介绍上海景点英语作文 介绍上海景点英语作文初一


1、Bend,Shanghai Art Museum and so onI like the Art museum best because there are many colourful pictures in itI love Shanghai very much上海是个很的城市。

2、Shanghai, an international city, is located in the east of China With its worldfamous landmarks such as Jin Mao Building, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financial centre金融中心, Shanghai has。

3、如下Shanghai is an international city, located in the east of China上海是座国际城市,位于中国dōng部Mark the world famous landmark buildings such as Jinmao Tower, Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financ。

4、Cruise on the Huangpu River 黄浦江 Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People#39s Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one b。


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