
这个周末去哪玩昆明英语 这个周末去哪里,英文翻译

频道:婚恋观 日期: 浏览:1237

1、Where did you go to play on the weekend?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢。

这个周末去哪玩昆明英语 这个周末去哪里,英文翻译

2、英语作文a trip to kunming带翻译 详情如下Short summer vacation just over a month, my grandparents took me to Kunming to play Because my uncle lives in Kunming, we live in the uncle#39s house for a few。

3、Where do you want to have a tour?I prefer to have a tour abroad。

4、Where do you plan to go on weekends?望采纳。

5、帮助用英语云南昆明丽江大理旅游 Help with the English Kunming, Yunnan, Lijiang, Dali, tourism。

6、内地地名除广东外,其它地方一律用汉语拼音,所以昆明 Kun Ming。

这个周末去哪玩昆明英语 这个周末去哪里,英文翻译

7、Kunming Chinese 昆明 pinyin Kūnmíng WadeGiles K#39unming IPA k#x028An#39m#x026A#x014B UNLOCODE CNKMG is a prefecturelevel city and capital of Yunnan province, in southwestern China Because of its year。


9、a trip to kunming i went to kuming for holiday ,it is a great place that lots of visitors want to travel herethe weather here is pleasent ,all of my family love here very much ,here we can do。

10、Kunming is not so large in area, but it is a scenery pleasant place The most distinctive attractions, I think, are the Lake Dianchi and Cuihu Park The Lake Dianchi is the largest freshwater lake in。

11、昆明比较好的英语培训机构推荐阿卡索,该培训机构口碑非常好,得到很多家长和学生的好评专为“0基础打造” 1对1针对性教学 佟大为全力推荐的成人在线英语 限时免费试学选择一个好的英语培训机构注意以下几个方面1好。

12、My Dream Yesterday,we had a discussionthe topic isWhat is my dream?Every one has his dreamSome want to be teachers,others want to be scientistsMy dream is to become a doctorMy friends asked me。

13、我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 昆明,别称春城,是云南省省会滇中城市群中心城市,国务院批复确定的中国西部地区重要的中心城市之一下面是我整理的关于昆明概况的英文 导游词 ,欢迎阅读 关于昆明概况的英文导游词1 Kunming。

14、My Hometown__by Zogcee绝对自己写的,原创I live in Kunming which is a part of YunnanI am proud of my hometown,because of the food,the special local product,the sight and the peopleAs for the food。



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