
男水瓶座 男水瓶座和女射手座的配对指数

频道:搭讪技巧 日期: 浏览:1282

1、1kǒuzhào英语Mask,英 mɑ#720sk 美 m#230sk2The kids were all wearing animal masks 孩子们都戴着动物面具3She whipped the mask off her face 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了4The。

2、kǒuzhào的英文respirator英 #39resp#601re#618t#601r,美 #39resp#601re#618t#601rn 呼吸器kǒuzhào 例句The smog is so thick that you#39d better wear a respirator翻译外面尘雾迷天。

3、kǒuzhào英文是face maskface mask的中文意思就是指kǒuzhào,face mask是最tōng用的说法,泛指任何蒙住脸部,或是嘴巴的kǒuzhào例What type of face masks should be used?应该使用哪zhǒng类型的kǒuzhào呢相关内容 1surgical mas。

4、kǒuzhào的英语是face mask读音#39resp#601re#618t#601r例句What type of face masks should be used?翻译应该使用哪zhǒng类型的kǒuzhào呢短语1dust respirator 除尘kǒuzhào 2soil respirator 土壤呼吸仪。

5、2surgical maskmedical mask 手术kǒuzhàokǒuzhào kǒuzhàolìng一个英文说法是surgical mask,surgical mask 是指那zhǒng手术用疗用的kǒuzhào,一般护人员戴的外科手术kǒuzhào就是这zhǒngmedical mask 中文则可以翻译为kǒuzhào

6、问题一kǒuzhào用英文怎么说呀除了masks,比较地道的说法 kǒuzhàokǒu zhàomask respiratorbreathing mask gauze mask worn over nose and mouth问题二kǒuzhào用英文怎么说 除了masks respirator或者mask mask比较好它。

7、用英语倒装句可表示为 Only when she took off the mask, did the girl recognize her。


9、mask美 m_sk英 mɑ_sk释义gauze maskmouthmufflerespirator mask1人们几乎每天都要戴厚厚的kǒuzhàoPeople have to wear thick masks almost every day2出门的人都戴上kǒuzhào,帽子和手套All the。

10、戴kǒuzhào的英文是wear a mask例句1Another way, recommended by the Japanese, is to make everyone wear a masklìngzhǒng方法,是日本人推荐的,就是让所yǒu人都戴上kǒuzhào2Wear a mask that is rated N90 or。

11、respirator或者mask mask比较好它yǒukǒuzhào的意思也yǒu面具的意思,词典中对于kǒuzhào的解释是pad of sterile material worn over the mouth and nose,eg by doctors and nurses during a surgical operation,to protect against。


13、kǒuzhào Mask mask的意思解释 过去式masked 过去分词masked 现zài分词masking 复数形式masksn1 面具, 面zhào2 用作掩饰的事物 掩饰 伪装3 假面具 4 护肤膜面膜 vt1 用面具遮住。

摘口罩英文 摘口罩英文怎么说

14、英语是Please put on your mask 例句出去旅游,或者游玩时,请戴上kǒuzhào Go out to travel, or play, please wear the masks 扩展资料 为了保护他人,请戴上kǒuzhào,咳嗽或打喷嚏时遮住kǒu和鼻子 To protect others, please。

15、一次性kǒuzhào 网络Disposable Face Maskdisposable maskDisposable Masks例句无纺布制品主要产品yǒu以下系列压缩毛巾,压缩面膜,面膜贴,家用擦布,一次性kǒuzhào等The nonwoven products include compressed towel,compressed。

16、1Wash hands before wearing masks and keep hands clean 戴kǒuzhào前要洗手,保持手清洁2When the mask is in hand, it should be blue, with the nose clip on the top and white on the bottom Be careful。

17、使用本品时避免直接接触人体,请戴防护手套和防护眼镜及防护kǒuzhào,避免长时间接触使用前请向供应商或生产商索取安全技术说明书认真阅读,并根据该安全技术说明书的指引进行使用avoid direct physical contact with the。

摘口罩英文 摘口罩英文怎么说



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